• 402-915-CURL
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2020 September League

We're offering a 4-week September League on Sundays from 1pm to 3pm. (Details about Fall Leagues beginning in October will be released later this month.) Click here to register. Leagues are $80 plus sales tax, and a $100 membership for the 2020-2021 season. We will have a cap of 24 people in this league, and have room for a handful of individuals to join.

Here are a few important things to know about this league and the upcoming season:

  • Fall Leagues and COVID-19 Guidelines: The Board of Directors is reviewing the results from our member survey at our August 12 board meeting, and afterward will issue our full guidelines about returning to curling and fall league registration, which will begin in October.
  • September League COVID-19 Guidelines: We will be implementing the USCA’s Return to Curling modified curling guidelines and Baxter Arena/UNO requirements, which were used at the Cornhusker State Games. Some of these guidelines include:
    • Wearing masks covering your nose and mouth will be required at all times in Baxter Arena (including during play) and implementing social distancing measures.
    • We will be limited to using sheets 1, 3, and 5.
    • Only allowing one person to sweep a delivered stone.
    • No handshakes, elbow taps, or other physical contact (but do say 'Good Curling!').
  • Registration: It’s first-come first-serve for who gets in (must have annual membership). If you do not have a full team you'll be placed with one.
  • Payment Plan Option: Please email info@curlaksarben.com if you are experiencing financial hardship and need to set up a payment plan.

Please know that the health and safety of our members is our top priority. In addition to this, our priorities this season are to:

  • Provide a safe way to return to league play in some capacity this fall.
  • Retain membership for our club’s long-term health.
  • Finish the 2020-21 season in a great position to host the US Team Trials in November 2021 at Baxter Arena and help grow the game in Omaha.

Email Updates

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We send generally one message per month. Unsubscribe anytime.

Member Login

Upcoming Events

31 Mar 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Monday 7pm League
01 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Tuesday 7pm League
04 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Friday 7pm League
09 Apr 2025;
06:30PM - 08:30PM
Board of Directors monthly meeting
11 Apr 2025;
Season Championship
30 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 08:00PM
Annual Member Meeting
02 Jun 2025;
05:45PM - 07:15PM
Summer Doubles League
03 Jun 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Summer Tuesday League

Contact Us

Mail: PO Box 24458, Omaha, NE 68124
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 402-915-CURL

Where We Curl

Holland Ice
Baxter Arena
2425 S. 67th Street
Omaha, NE 68182

Follow Us

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