• 402-915-CURL
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Julia Castle

Say hello to one of Aksarben’s newest curlers, Julia Castle! 

Julia is a Nebraska native, born and raised in Lincoln, NE. She still lives in Lincoln today and attends the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. She is looking forward to finishing her senior year off strong and graduating in May with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations. As part of her studies, Julia works as a digital marketing intern for Sandhills Global. One of her goals post graduation is to start her own photography and videography business! Currently, she enjoys photographing just about anything, but loves couples and families especially. Her other hobbies include cooking and occasionally playing pickleball and golf.  

When Julia isn’t busy with school and work, you’ll catch her curling all weekend long. Her main leagues are Friday night and Saturday Doubles, but she subs at most Sunday leagues too! If you play against Julia’s team, you’ll probably see her throw second or vice, but more commonly vice. Vicing is her favorite position at the moment since she gets to do all the things - throwing, sweeping stones, and calling lines. When asked what her favorite shots are, she would tell you that a good takeout is really satisfying when done right! 

In her short 11 months of curling, Julia has taken advantage of everything curling has to offer. When she’s able, she enjoys broomstacking at Backlot Taphouse after leagues and getting to talk with other curlers in her league. She recommended everyone to try their crab rangoon pizza when it’s available! In addition to broomstacking, she’s come to love the traveling aspect of curling. She’s only been able to go down to Kansas City Curling Club’s dedicated facility a few times, but looks forward to traveling to other facilities in the future. 

One of her favorite memories since starting her curling career was getting to go to her first bonspiel in Kansas City with Isaiah Jacobsen, Molly O’Brien, and Nic Ridder. At that bonspiel, her team did so well and ended up winning the whole thing! Dedicated ice was fun for her to curl on for the first time, and she’s looking forward to when Aksarben gets their own. Another favorite part of curling for her is the great community it provides. The immediate connection and camaraderie over a shared interest is really special. Plus, being able to say she’s a curler is a unique fun fact to share with others! Not only is the community amazing, but it’s also a good way to stay active without stepping foot in the gym. Julia loves that she can leave the stress of school and life on the bleachers and have fun when she gets on the ice! 

Despite being a novice curler, Julia has some great advice for brand new curlers. She’d encourage everyone to take advantage of practice ice times and sign up to sub for as many leagues as possible. Also, she would tell new folks to make sure to not be too hard on themselves and show themselves grace when a shot is missed!

Winter practice ice and drop-in curling for members

This winter, we're offering practice ice and drop-in curling for Aksarben Curling members who have a 2024-2025 season membership. One sheet will be open alongside the Saturday 4:15pm doubles league for 90 minutes and one sheet open alongside the Sunday 6:45pm league for 2 hours. Members may practice, run drills, scrimmage, or play pick-up games with other members (full games, doubles, etc.). Remaining dates include:

Please plan to help with cleaning your sheet and putting away equipment once you are finished.

Note: We cannot guarantee that you will have enough people on hand to play with full teams.

Register for the Irish Open Bonspiel!

This year's Irish Open Bonspiel is sold out! Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to the waitlist.

Join us for for Aksarben Curling's annual bonspiel, the Irish Open Bonspiel!

  • Games: 3-game guarantee, 8-end games
  • Teams: 24 teams / 96 players (individuals are encouraged to sign up — we'll pair you with a team!)
  • First Draws: Friday 6pm, Friday 8:30pm, Saturday 9am
  • Mini-games w/prizes: every Friday and Saturday draw
  • Awesome raffle prizes and 50/50
  • Broomstacking: Kinkaider Brewing (3 drinks included)
    Cost: Just $90/person or $360/team
  • Location: Baxter Arena’s Holland Ice, 2425 S 67th St, Omaha, NE (lots of nearby hotels and great local restaurants in Aksarben Village!)
  • Hotel group rate: Stay tuned for information!

Sign-up online today!

Register for 2025 Winter Leagues

We have several curling leagues with openings that start this January:

Bone-Spiel Fun Spiel 2024

Join us for our annual fall fun spiel, the Bone-Spiel! Our season-opening tournament offers fun, costumes, and prizes, with broomstacking afterward. Costumes are encouraged but not required. Prizes will be awarded to the best individual and team costumes (Check out some of the costumes from 20212022, and 2023).

Saturday, October 19

  • Time: 2pm-7:30pm
  • Format: 3 90-minute / 6-end games (whichever comes first)
  • Broomstacking afterward
  • 40 people / 10-team max
  • Prizes for best individual costume and best team costume!
  • Prize top performing team (points for games won and number of ends won)

Draw times

  • 2pm
  • 4pm
  • 6pm

Register online.

Nic Ridder holding the Sigrid Festersen Volunteer of the Year Award plaque
Nic Ridder holding the Sigrid Festersen Volunteer of the Year Award plaque

Throughout the history of Aksarben Curling, Sigrid Festersen led, served, and provided continuity from one generation to the next. She saw our organization through successes, setbacks, building moves, and explosive growth. Our Sigrid Festersen Volunteer of the Year Award provides a way for us to honor Aksarben Curling members who go above and beyond in the same spirit as she did.

Sigrid Festersen Volunteer of the Year Award 2024 Nic RidderThis year, the Aksarben Curling Board of Directors voted to honor Nic Ridder with this award.

If you’ve helped with any of our Learn to Curls, it’s likely that Nic was there – in a pair of very bright pants, armed with helpful tips and advice and meeting his quota of fitting in two curling puns. And while he’s helped so many new curlers slide out of the hack with their first rock, he’s also the key driving force behind organizing our league operations.

No matter the number of teams and number of weeks, Nic can put together a structure for how a league should run. He’s been instrumental in mapping out ways to get more curlers into popular leagues by adding bye weeks.

More structured leagues and better ways of naming a champion for each goes a long way in raising the overall competitive level within our organization, which in turn helps with retention as our curlers become more experienced.

We’ve leaned in to his expertise as we map out what leagues will look like with our future jump to dedicated ice, and the additional curlers and leagues that will bring. Our leagues and learn to curls are at the core of what we do, and we couldn’t do either without Nic.

While it seems like Ridder has been around forever, he only started curling back in 2018. He was quick to jump in and help where needed – offering not only ideas on where we could improve operations, but giving time and passion to every project he helps with. He perfectly illustrates the power of our volunteers, and we’re lucky to have him.

Sigrid Festersen photoAbout Sigrid Festersen
Throughout the history of Aksarben Curling, Sigrid Festersen led, served, and provided continuity from one generation to the next. She was a terrific curler and an advocate for women's curling everywhere. She saw our organization through successes, setbacks, building moves, and explosive growth.

All future success of curling in Omaha can be traced back to a foundation Sigrid was so deeply involved with. While we lost Sigrid in 2022, Sigrid’s spirit lives on within our organization.

Read more about Sigrid Festersen and her legacy with Aksarben Curling.

Pictured: Steve Jaixen, Buffy Linke, Chris Becher, Scott Jordan
2023-2024 Season Champions

On April 12-14, 2024, Aksarben Curling hosted its Season Championship bonspiel at Baxter Arena. The event featured sixteen teams including the champions of our 10 fall and winter leagues, our top college league team, the 2022-2023 defending champs, and four wild card lottery teams.

Katie Beck Cup 2024Teams competed for the Katie Beck Championship Cup, our annual trophy honoring the legacy of Katie Beck, one of Aksarben Curling's most accomplished curlers. Read more about Katie Beck's legacy and curlers' memories of Katie Beck.

Teams played in 4-team groups that broke into semi-finals and finals. Participating teams included:

Group A
Naughty or Ice (Winter Sunday 6:45pm)
Wire Wombats (Winter Tuesday 8pm)
Stone Cold (Team Aksarben - defending champs)
Cobra Kai Curling (Wild Card)

Group B
Team Anderson (Winter Sunday 2:15pm)
Sixteen Stones (Fall Friday 7pm)
Taken for Granite (Fall Tuesday 8pm)
Little Raise of Sunshine (Wild Card)

Group C
No Stone Left Unturned (Wild Card)
Buff N Stuff (Fall Sunday 2:15pm)
The Bee's Knees (Wild Card)
Moore Trash (Fall Sunday 6:45pm)

Group D
UNO Curling (College League)
RockSteady (Fall Sunday 4:30pm)
The Ice Is Right (Winter Friday 7pm)
Hollaback Curls (Winter Sunday 4:30pm)

Congratulations to our season champions!

2022 2023 Season Championship champs Stone Cold with trophy copy

2023-2024 Season Champions
Buff N Stuff
Steve Jaixen (second), Buffy Linke (skip), Chris Becher (vice), Scott Jordan (lead)

2022 2023 Season Championship runner up Silver Snakes2023-2024 Season Championship Runners-Up
Naughty or Ice
Alex Wilson (lead), Amanda Wilson (skip), Nic Ridder (second), Meredith Daniels (vice)

2022 2023 Season Championship 3rd place Sweep Dreams copy2023-2024 Season Championship Third Place
Taken for Granite
Sean Morrison (lead - subbing for Mo Shukry), Matt Suder (skip), Jeff Friesen (vice), Doug Johnson (lead)

2023 2024 Season Championship Semi finalist Rocksteady2023-2024 Season Championship Semi-Finalist
CaSandra Johnson (vice), Steve Kraft (skip), Rob Latimer (second), Kristen Peterson (lead)

2024 Winter League Champions

We facilitated six leagues in the winter of 2024: three 9-week Sunday Leagues, a 10-week Tuesday League, an 8-week Friday League, and a 5-week Saturday Doubles League.

Let’s have a round of applause for all of our 2024 Winter League champs! Each of the champions (outside of the Doubles league) qualified for our 2023-2024 Season Championship on April 12-14, 2024.

2021 Fall Leauge Tuesday champs Team Adams sq copy2024 Winter Sunday 2:15pm League champ
Chris Becher, Steve Jaixen, Scott Jordan, Jenn Becher, Buffy Linke (not pictured)

2024 Winter Sunday 430 league champ Hollaback Curls copy2024 Winter Sunday 4:30pm League champ
Hollaback Curls
Matt Manderfeld, Aaron Adams, Doug Michel, Lois Imig

2023 Fall Sunday 645 champ Moore Trash square2024 Winter Sunday 6:45pm League champ
Naughty or Ice
Alex Wilson, Amanda Wilson, Meredith Daniels, Nic Ridder

2023 Fall Tuesday 8pm Champs Taken for Granite Square2024 Winter Tuesday 8pm League champ
Taken for Granite
Nicholas Bjornson, Jeff Friesen, Matt Suder, Doug Johnson

2021 Fall League Sunday 645pm champs Sweeping Death sq2024 Winter Friday 7pm League champ
The Ice Is Right
Blake Anderson (sub), Michael Feit, Greg Tunink, Ray Koza, Randy Brodner (not pictured)

2021 Fall League Sunday 645pm champs Sweeping Death sq2024 Winter Saturday Doubles 4:15pm League champ
McCright? More Like McWrong!
Jay Dykes and Joe McCright


Knowing where to stand Part 2—Skip's Edition

In our last tips newsletter, we shared information about where to stand during a curling match. This time, we want to focus on some best practices for skips during the game.

The skip should be the only person in the house when their team is throwing. Skips typically call line from the tee-line of the house, though on some sheets you may have to move forward so as not to move into a neighboring house or to better see the broom.

As the rock approaches the house, the opposing skip may move forward to sweep a heavy rock out, or to sweep one of their own rocks if it gets bumped towards the house.

Be mindful of where your opponent skip is and try not to be in the way of their sweeping. As soon as the rocks come to rest, step out of the house and give control of the house to the other team.

When the opposing team is throwing, the skip should stand behind the house. Typically, you’ll stand behind the throwing team’s skip so that you can view the line the opposing team’s rock is released on.Stand still so that you don’t distract the person throwing the rock. Be sure to hold your broom off the ice.

The opposing skip may sweep an opponent’s stone when it crosses the tee line, so you may move into the house as the rock comes into it. If the opposing team’s skip is communicating with their team or concentrating on the rock, they may not realize you’re there. It can be helpful to give them a heads up that you’re moving into their space to sweep (e.g., “on your left!” or “right behind you!”).

As some of our sheets fall considerably in one direction (i.e., “negative ice”), it may be necessary to call a line outside of your house. This is common on sheet 2 this season.

Rather than set your broom in a neighboring house, please place your broom no farther than halfway between the two houses and then walk forward to call a wider line (e.g., just in front of the house).

If you’re playing on sheet 2 or sheet 4 where most of the rocks are being thrown towards sheet 3, please stand and walk on the opposite side of the sheet (i.e., the “low side” of the sheet).

This helps you stay out of the line of sight between the opposing team’s skip and the person throwing the rock.


We've received some good feedback from members this season requesting helpful tips around etiquette, pace of play, shot calling, and more.

We recommend two standing resources you can always check out on our website:

  1. Our handy Member Handbook, which has lots of great info about our organization, rules of curling, ice prep guidelines, etiquette tips, and more! (this is a living document that we're continuing to update)
  2. Video tips with Jamie Sinclair. On our website you can find nearly two dozen short videos (2-5 minutes each) about curling covering delivery, strategy and shot calling, alignment, timing, and a lot more.

This week's tip: Knowing where to stand

When 40 people are on five sheets at a league game, it's important to be aware of where you are on the ice.

It's easy to accidentally be in the way of sweepers on another sheet, or in someone's line of sight between the hack and their skip. In addition, we want to make sure that the team throwing a rock can do so without the distraction of a lot of movement on their sheet.

The illustrations below share some common etiquette guidelines for where to stand and what to watch out for during games.

(You can find these figures and more in our Member Handbook's Appendix B: Curling Etiquette & Pace of Play Tips!)






Cornhusker College Bonspiel Recap

By Maliik Jones, UNL Journalism & Mass Communications

With the 2023-24 College Curling season coming to a close, let’s take a look at the Emerging region’s championship results. Coming into the Cornhusker College Bonspiel, ten different universities participated at the John Breslow Ice Hockey Center on January 19-21. Even though this was an Emerging region event, some teams participated from the Midwest region. The top Emerging region team received a place in the USA Curling College National Championship on March 8-10, 2024.

Participating universities and their position within their respective region (as of 1/10/2024):

#2 Nebraska-Lincoln – 17 Points
#4 Arizona State – 5 Points
#5 Bowling Green – 5 Points
#6 Nebraska-Omaha – 4 Points
#7 Creighton – 1 Point
#8 Denver – 0 Points

#1 Wisconsin-Madison – 36 Points
#2 Wisconsin-Stevens Point – 33 Points
#3 Minnesota – 29 Points
#6 Michigan Tech – 16 Points

Each team played four matches in the first two days. Then, the results from those matches placed the top 8 teams into Sunday's finals matches: the 1st Event, Emerging Region Qualifier, which granted the winning team a chance to compete in the national championship, the 2nd Event, and the 3rd Event.

Each team’s final record was the following:

Pool APool B
Michigan Tech 4-0University of Minnesota 4-0
Arizona State University 3-1University of Wisconsin-Madison 3-1
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2) 3-1University of Denver (2) 2-2
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (1) 3-1University of Nebraska-Lincoln (1) 2-2
University of Nebraska at Omaha 1-3University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (2) 2-2
University of Denver (3) 0-4Creighton University 1-3
University of Denver (1) 0-4Bowling Green State University 0-4


Arizona State University competed against Denver 2 for the Emerging Qualifier, and ASU came out on top to earn their spot in the National Championship. This will be ASU’s first ever USA Curling College National Championship!

The rest of the Emerging region’s positions at nationals will be decided by the top regular season points finishers. Due to the region's size, the Emerging region will only have two other teams qualify through points. The current top two points leaders are the University of Toledo with 21 points and local team the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with 17 points.

There are two more regional championships to be held for the Northeast on February 9th and the Midwest on February 10th. These regions will have the top two teams qualify for nationals through their respective events. For the remaining national championship positions, the top two points leaders from the Midwest and the top seven points leaders from the Northeast will qualify. The USA Curling College National Championship will be held on March 8th in Rice Lake, Wisconsin.

If you are interested in learning more about curling or how to start college curling at your school, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!


2023 Fall League Champions

We facilitated five leagues in the fall of 2023: an 11-week Tuesday League, three 11-week Sunday Leagues, and a 9-week Friday League.

Let’s have a round of applause for all of our 2023 Fall League champs! Each of the champions qualified for our 2023-2024 Season Championship on April 12-14, 2024.

2021 Fall Leauge Tuesday champs Team Adams sq copy2023 Fall Sunday 2:15pm League champ
Scott Jordan, Buffy Linke, Jenn Becher, Chris Becher, Steve Jaixen

2023 Fall Sunday 4:30pm League champ
Rock Steady
CaSandra Johnson, Doug Johnson, Rob Marcuzzo, Steve Kraft

2023 Fall Sunday 645 champ Moore Trash square2023 Fall Sunday 6:45pm League champ
Moore Trash
David Steinhauser, Doug Moore, Matt English, Randy Kruger

2023 Fall Tuesday 8pm Champs Taken for Granite Square2023 Fall Tuesday 8pm League champ
Taken for Granite
Harry Suder, Matt Suder, Doug Johnson, Jeff Friesen

2021 Fall League Sunday 645pm champs Sweeping Death sq2023 Fall Friday 7pm League champ
Sixteen Stones
Matt Mickeliunas, Nic Swiercek, Dusty McIver, Eric Rodawig, and Tonya Carroll (not pictured)

Let's also give a round of applause to our 2023 Fall League runner-ups!

2021 Fall League Sunday 645pm champs Sweeping Death sq2023 Fall Sunday 2:15pm League runner-up
Leave No Stone Unturned
Ashley Hoover, Nick Allmaker, Molly O'Brien, Skyler Barton (not pictured)

2021 Fall League Sunday 645pm champs Sweeping Death sq2023 Fall Sunday 4:30pm League runner-up
Always Pick Red
Hanna Frekot, Paul Bernady, Jeff Tiemann, Kathy Weber

2021 Fall League Sunday 645pm champs Sweeping Death sq2023 Fall Sunday 6:45pm League runner-up
Naughty or Ice
Alex Wilson, Amanda Wilson, Meredith Daniels, Nic Ridder

2021 Fall League Sunday 645pm champs Sweeping Death sq2023 Fall Tuesday 8pm League runner-up
Little Raise of Sunshine
Matthew Truesdell, Lisa Truesdell, Kaeli Samson, Nic Swiercek

2021 Fall League Sunday 645pm champs Sweeping Death sq2023 Fall Friday 7pm League runner-up
The Ice Is Right
Ray Koza, Michael Feit, Bruce Nelson

Register for Winter Leagues

The 2023-2024 curling season is here! We will have six recreational leagues plus our youth/juniors program:

Winter Leagues — Priority registration runs Monday, November 13 through Sunday, November 26; general registration opens Saturday, December 2 at 10 AM.

Try Curling in Omaha!

Always fascinated by curling but never tried it out? Now's your chance!

Take the first step into curling and Learn to Curl with Aksarben Curling at Baxter Arena in Omaha! All ages and abilities can give curling a try. 

Come try curling with us on the following dates:

Stay tuned for more information about Learn to Curls this summer and fall! The bulk of our Learn to Curls and Instructional Leagues occur from September through March each year.

Subscribe to our emails or follow us on FacebookInstagram, or X (formerly Twitter) to learn about our next Learn to Curl events!

Register for Fall Leagues, 2023-2024 Season Membership

The 2023-2024 curling season is here! We invite you to sign up for our first set of leagues:

September Leagues — Registration opens Saturday, August 12 at 10am

Fall Leagues — Registration opens Saturday, August 26 at 10am

2023-2024 Season Preview

We're so excited for the the upcoming 2023-2024 curling season kicking off in September! Here's a preview of our upcoming season:

2022-2023 Season Champions

On April 15-16, 2023, Aksarben Curling hosted its inaugural Season Championship bonspiel at Baxter Arena. The event featured the top performing team from each Fall and Winter League plus a wild card lottery team and a wild card college team.

Katie BeckTeams competed for the inaugural Katie Beck Championship Cup, our new annual trophy honoring the legacy of Katie Beck, one of Aksarben Curling's most accomplished curlers.Read more about Katie Beck's legacy and curlers' memories of Katie Beck.

Teams played in a 3-team pools that broke into semi-finals and finals. Participating teams included:

Little Raise of Sunshine: Fall Tuesday 8pm champs
Sweeping Swine: Fall Friday 7pm champs
Sweep Dreams: Fall Sunday 2:15pm champs
Eh Team: Fall Sunday 4:30pm champs
Silver Snakes: Fall Sunday 6:45pm champs
Stone Cold: Winter Tuesday 8pm champs
Curl Power: wild card lottery
Rolling Stones: Winter Saturday 4:15pm champs
Stop, Drop & Curl: Winter Sunday 2:15pm champs
Stone Cold: Winter Sunday 4:30pm champs
Sheets & Giggles: Winter Sunday 6:45pm champs
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Curling Club: college league wild card

Congratulations to our season champions!

2022 2023 Season Championship champs Stone Cold with trophy copy

2022-2023 Season Champions
Stone Cold
Paul Foley (lead), Ralph Roza (second), Jeff Lueders (vice), Nick Allmaker (skip)

2022 2023 Season Championship runner up Silver Snakes2022-2023 Season Championship Runners-Up
Silver Snakes
Alex Wilson (lead), Amanda Wilson (skip), Meredith Daniels (vice), Randy Brodner (second)

2022 2023 Season Championship 3rd place Sweep Dreams copy2022-2023 Season Championship Third Place
Sweep Dreams
David Hill (Skip), Nic Ridder (fourth), Doug Michel (vice), Adam Leong (lead)

Curl at the 2023 Cornhusker State Games

CSG2023Did you know that you can earn a gold, sliver, or bronze medal in curling in Nebraska?

This summer, you can compete for gold in the Cornhusker State Games on July 29-30 at Baxter Arena in Omaha!

There will be two divisions: Novice 5&U (5 years or fewer experience) and Open (any combination of experience).

Non-Nebraskans eligible to participate provided that their state of residence does not provide a State Games Curling event.

Register for the 2023 Cornhusker State Games!

Registration will take you to the Cornhusker State Games registration page. If planning to register as a team, please email team info to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Pre-Tournament Instructions: 11:30 a.m.
Competition Begins: 12 p.m.

Registration Fees
$105 per participant until Feb. 21 (includes free shirt)
$110 per participant until April 21 (includes free shirt)
$115 per participant until June 21 (includes free shirt)
$115 per participant until July 11

While Aksarben Curling helps facilitate this event, please note that this is not a traditional Aksarben Curling bonspiel. The event is run by the Nebraska Sports Council.

Nancy Myers holding the Sigrid Festersen Volunteer of the Year Award plaque
Nancy Myers holding the Sigrid Festersen Volunteer of the Year Award plaque

Sigrid Festersen photoAksarben Curling is, and always has been, a volunteer led organization – we literally couldn’t do what we do without people stepping up to keep things going. Our new Sigrid Festersen Volunteer of the Year award provides a way for us to honor Aksarben Curling members who go above and beyond.

Throughout the history of Aksarben Curling, Sigrid Festersen led, served, and provided continuity from one generation to the next. She was a terrific curler and an advocate for women's curling everywhere. She saw our organization through successes, setbacks, building moves, and explosive growth.

All future success of curling in Omaha can be traced back to a foundation Sigrid was so deeply involved with.

Sean Morrison, past Aksarben Curling President, shared that at the time he first proposed this award, the vision was that Sigrid would be able to present it to the first winner. Sadly, we lost Sigrid in 2022 and couldn’t make that happen. But, Sigrid’s spirit lives on within our organization.

When the Aksarben Curling Board of Directors met to nominate a volunteer to receive this award, it was unanimous – we wanted to honor Nancy Myers. Nancy exemplifies all the best of what Aksarben Curling is. She's always willing to share her knowledge, and her love for the sport is evident in everything she does.

We couldn't be more honored to be able to present Nancy with our first Sigid Festersen Volunteer of the Year award. 

We asked those that have worked alongside Nancy to share a bit more about her, and what she has done for our community. If you’d like to add to this, please email your quote This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Email Updates

Sign up to be the first to know about Learn to Curl classes, leagues, and other curling events!

We send generally one message per month. Unsubscribe anytime.

Member Login

Upcoming Events

26 Mar 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Winter Tuesday League (make-up game)
27 Mar 2025;
07:00PM - 08:00PM
Season Champion Lottery Drawing
28 Mar 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Friday 7pm League
31 Mar 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Monday 7pm League
01 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Tuesday 7pm League
09 Apr 2025;
06:30PM - 08:30PM
Board of Directors monthly meeting
11 Apr 2025;
Season Championship
30 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 08:00PM
Annual Member Meeting
02 Jun 2025;
05:45PM - 07:15PM
Summer Doubles League
03 Jun 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Summer Tuesday League

Contact Us

Mail: PO Box 24458, Omaha, NE 68124
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 402-915-CURL

Where We Curl

Holland Ice
Baxter Arena
2425 S. 67th Street
Omaha, NE 68182

Follow Us

© 2025 Curl Aksarben. All Rights Reserved. | Curling Club Management System and Website by CurlingClubManager.com